Sonntag, 16. August 2015

Sabrina & Gerd - A Spring Post Wedding Shoot

"I want to be your favourite Hello and your hardest Goodbye"

This blog entry is way overdue, I finally managed to put everything together and share this lovely post with you. 

End of April this year I met Sabrina and Gerd, a fun loving couple that were married the year before. This post wedding spring shoot took place in some stunning locations in Switzerland. Starting off in the pretty monastery of Einsiedeln where we took some photos indoors followed by some outdoor photos with the mountains in the background, taking advantage of the lovely spring weather. 

It was great to work with them and I enjoyed every minute of this day, taking photos of two great people surrounded by the amazing Swiss scenery.

Freitag, 24. Juli 2015

Sportsphotography - the fight at the finish line

Every year, the company triathlon takes place in Zurich, where companies can participate in a shorter version of the usual Ironman distance. When my colleague at Deloitte mentioned that they still need a photographer for the even,  I was immediately up for this job. They had 38 teams participating at the event and the overall mood on the day was great. 

Photographing a sportsevent was a first for me and little did I know that I will be ending up running like the sports participants as well :) It was hot, it was crowded and my gear was heavy. Nevertheless I was fighting for the best spots to get the best shots!

I really enjoyed the day, and am looking forward to next years event at the "Landiwiesa", see you there...

Donnerstag, 16. Juli 2015

#dasischzüri - Zurich's biggest photo exhibition

The city of Zurich announced a photography competition in April with the aim to send in photos of Zurich, showing the city in a urban, international, fun and open way. Apart from the usual touristy pictures which show the lake and the churches.

With this mission I spent a day in the city, looking for different places, walking down side streets and hidden corners to capture Zurich. In the end I submitted 3 of my photos with the hopes that 1 one them will be selected for the top 100. The top 100 photos will be displayed for a period of time all over Zurich, printed on large wallpapers.

Well, I was very proud that 2 of my submitted photos were selected for the top 100 and displayed in Zurich :) Great to see your work haning on a wall. At the end of May, Radio Top announced the overall winner (Christian Ruosch) during an evening finnisage.

Overall a great experiance which makes me believe in my work and continue to look for the perfect shot.

Some impressions from the competition below:

Dienstag, 20. Januar 2015

Autumn after wedding shooting

"Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible - it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could." (Barbara de Angelis)

It was such a pleasure to shoot this couple in late September in the late afternoon sun, surrounded by the stunning mountains of Graubünden, Switzerland. Wishing them lots of joy, love and happiness in their marriage.